- 生命信息感知、存储与计算;DNA组装与合成;人工智能与生命
2023年至今 长聘教轨副教授,上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院
2020–2023年 准聘教授,华南理工大学生物医学科学与工程学院
2016–2020年 助理研究员,加州伯克利大学/HHMI, 合作导师:Carlos Bustamante(美国科学院院士)
2014–2016年 博士后,中科院上海应用物理所/加州伯克利大学,合作导师:樊春海/Carlos Bustamante
2009–2014年 理学博士,中国科学院大学,导师:樊春海
2005–2009年 理学学士,福州大学,国家理科基地班
- 2022年 广东省珠江青年拔尖人才计划;
- 2022年 广州市高层次人才计划;
- 2022年 中央高校经费校级杰出青年。
Huan Zhang#, Gozde S. Demirer#, Honglu Zhang#, Tianzheng Ye, Natalie S. Goh, Abhishek J. Aditham, Francis J. Cunningham, Chunhai Fan and Markita P. Landry*. DNA Nanostructures Coordinate Gene Silencing in Mature Plants. PNAS, 2019,116, 15, 7543.
Huan Zhang#, Honglu Zhang#, Gozde S. Demirer, Eduardo González-Grandío, Chunhai Fan and Markita P. Landry*. Engineering DNA nanostructures for siRNA delivery in plants. Nature Protocols, 2020, 15, 3064.
Honglu Zhang, Jie Chao, Yongyong Shi* and Chunhai Fan* et al. DNA origami-based shape IDs for single-molecule nanomechanical genotyping. Nature Communications, 2017, 8, 14738. (F1000 highlighted)
Honglu Zhang#, Yu Wang#, Huan Zhang#, Xiaoguo Liu#, Antony Lee, Jie Chao, Huajie Liu, Jiang li, Jiye Shi, Lihua Wang, Lianhui Wang, Xiaoyu Cao, Carlos Bustamante, Zhongqun Tian*, Chunhai Fan*. Programming chain-growth co-polymerization of DNA hairpin tiles for in-vitro hierarchical supramolecular organization. Nature Communications, 2019, 10, 1006.
Bin Zhao, Zhongxu Luo, Honglu Zhang*, and Huan Zhang*. Imaging Tools for Plant Nanobiotechnology. Frontiers in Genome Editing, 2022, 4:1029944.
Yao Hu, Zhongxu Luo, Zhilei Ge, Qian Li, Peihui Yang, Honglu Zhang*, Huan Zhang*. Morphology Dictated Immune Activation with Framework Nucleic Acids. Small, 2023, 202303454.
Jingyi Ye, Huan Zhang*, Honglu Zhang*. In situ DNA storage with whole blood cryogenic silicification. Matter, 2023, 6, 26.
Zeyu Chen Z, Xu Chen, Bin Zhao, Honglu Zhang*, Huan Zhang*. Efficient Poly-Adenine-Tailed DNA Functionalization of Gold Nanorods for Tailored Nanostructure Assembly. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2024, 15(16): 4400-4407.
Bin Zhao, Jingyi Ye, Qianjun He*, Chunhai Fan, Huan Zhang*, Honglu Zhang* et al. Mitochondria-Targeted Photoredox Catalysis Activates Pyroptosis for Effective Tumor Therapy. Advanced Functional Materials, 2024: 2417681.