
  • 电话:021-34204197

  • 邮箱:shiyangli@sjtu.edu.cn


  • 声学测量及仪器、压电传感器和超声换能器设计、智能检测技术、功率超声等


  • 2021/04-至今,上海交通大学-自然资源部海洋第二研究所双聘研究员
  • 2016/01-至今,上海交通大学电子信息与工程学院仪器科学与工程系,副教授
  • 2013/08-2016/01,上海交通大学电子信息与工程学院仪器科学与工程系,助理研究员
  • 2012/08-2013/08,美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学,访问学者
  • 2009/01-2012/08,上海交通大学电子信息与工程学院仪器科学与工程系,助理研究员


  • 2008/09  获上海交通大学仪器科学与工程系测试计量技术及仪器专业博士学位
  • 2005/07  获郑州大学电子工程系电路与系统专业硕士学位




  1. 郭荣静,2016-2018,发表2篇SCI文章(SCI因子分别为3.0和1.7),1篇核心期刊,1项专利。
  2. 李唐安 ,2016-2018,发表1篇EI期刊文章,1篇会议论文,1项专利
  3. 孙轩 ,2016-2018,发表1篇SCI文章(SCI因子为2.6)
  4. 林銮,2017-2019,发表1篇SCI文章(SCI因子为1.96),1篇EI期刊文章,一项专利
  5. 孙思皓,2017-2019,发表1篇EI文章6、袁亚琦,2018-2020,发表1篇EI文
  6. 郑佳,2019-2021,发表1篇SCI文章(SCI因子为3.59)协助指导博士研究生和硕士研究生多名



  • 中国声学学会会员,担任Sensors and Actuators、Ultrasonics 等SCI期刊审稿人。


  1. 产学研项目,压电加速度传感器研发,主持;
  2. 十三五预研项目, ***换能器技术,主持;
  3. 产学研项目,气体超声流量计研发,主持;
  4. 中科院上海硅酸盐所合作项目,热释电红外探测器在气体探测中的关键电路设计与开发,主持;
  5. 国家自然科学基金项目面上项目,高效低压驱动的压电单晶面切模式超声电机构造机理及多场耦合设计方法研究,主持;
  6. 哈尔滨工业大学合作项目,超声伺服系统设计及研制,主持;
  7. 教育部留学回国人员启动基金, 第48批,基于单晶面切模式的低压高效旋转超声电机的构造理论和技术,主持;
  8. 上海市医疗器械科技支撑项目,自散热可植入超声致动血泵研制,已结题,参加;
  9. 产学研项目,大功率超声波发生器研制,已结题;
  10. 上海市计量测试技术研究院合作项目,微振幅低频振动测量开发, 已结题,主持;
  11. 国家重点实验室开放课题基金,低压高效的单晶面切直线超声微电机的设计优化与大功率下的特性研究,已结题, 主持;
  12. 产学研项目,叠置双通道流体旋转接头测试台电气测控系统, 已结题,主持;
  13. 产学研项目:汽车燃油液位传感器抗腐蚀能力研究与提高,已结题,主持;
  14. 国家自然科学基金仪器科学专项,可植入搏动式超声致动血泵关键技术基础研究, 已结题, 参加;
  15. 国家自然科学基金项目面上项目,人工心脏辅助超声致动血泵数学建模与温升控制,已结题,参加;
  16. 上海市浦江人才计划,超声致动压缩性心脏辅助可行性研究,已结题,参加;
  17. 863国家高科技项目,多频驱动多谐振超声电机,已结题,参加;
  18. 国家自然科学基金项目面上项目,超声柔性致动压缩性人工心脏辅助器件基础研究,已结题, 参加。


  • 刘丽晨,杨明*,李世阳,庄晓奇,李奇磊,超声换能器并联谐振频率的复合式跟踪方法研究,应用声学,2015,34(1),1-6.

  • 左传勇,杨明*,李世阳,基于电流和相位差的超声换能器频率自动跟踪,应用声学, 2016,35 (3) :189-194.

  • 李唐安,李世阳*,郭荣静,孙轩,一种大功率高精度高速稳定的数字超声波电源设计研究,2017年全国功率超声学术会议,无锡,2017年11月24日.

  • 郭荣静,李世阳*,李唐安,孙轩,一种低频宽带换能器的分析与设计,声学技术,2018,37(6): 637-638.

  • 李世阳*,左传勇,陈张麒,杨明,鹿存跃,一种大功率高精度超声波电源设计与研究. 2015年全国功率超声波学术会议.杭州. 2015.11.8-2015.11.10.

  • Zhaojiang Chen*,Yang Zhang,Shiyang Li,Xuan-Ming Lu,and Wenwu Cao*,Frequency dependence of the coercive field of 0.71Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.29PbTiO3 single crystal from 0.01 Hz to 5 MHz,Appl. Phys. Lett. 2017,110: 202904. 

  • Xudong Qi,Enwei Sun*,Shiyang Li,Weiming Lü,Rui Zhang,Bin Yang,Wenwu Cao,Dynamic scaling of internal bias field in Mn-doped 0.24Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3–0.42Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3–0.34PbTiO3 ferroelectric ceramic,Journal of Materials Science,2018, 53(18): 12762–12769.

  • Tianyue Yang,Yuanfei zhu,Shiyangli Li,Dawei An,Wenwu Cao and Ming Yang*,Dielectric Loss and Thermal Effect in High Power Piezoelectric Systems,Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical,2019,111724,1-6.

  • Limei Zheng*,Shiyang Li,Shijing Sang,Junjun Wang,Xiaoqing Huo,Rui Wang,Zhongyuan Yuan,and Wenwu Cao*,Complete set of material constants of single domain (K,Na)(Nb,Ta)O3 single crystal and their orientation dependence,Applied Physics Letters,2014,105,212902.

  • Wenchu Ou,Shiyang Li,Wenwu Cao,Ming Yang*,A single-mode Mn-doped 0.27PIN-0.46PMN-0.27PT single-crystal ultrasonic motor,Journal of Electroceramics,2016,37(1-4),121–126. 

  • Zhaojiang Chen*,Shiyang Li,Yang Zhang,and Wenwu Cao*,Depoling and fatigue behavior of Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 single crystal at megahertz frequencies under bipolar electric field,Journal of Applied Physics,2017,121,174101.

  • Shiyang Li*,Wenhua Jiang,Limei Zheng,and Wenwu Cao. Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy Measurement of Material Properties of 0.72Pb (Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.28PbTiO3 Single Crystal.2013 International Workshop on Acoustic Transduction Materials and Devices,State College,PA,USA,MAY 7-9,2013

  • Shiyang Li*,and Wenwu Cao. Characterization of full set material constants of PIN-PMN-PT single crystal based on inverse impedance spectroscopy using only one sample. 2014 Joint IEEE International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics International Workshop on Acoustic Transduction Materials and Devices,State College,PA,USA,MAY 13-14,2014.

  • Li Shiyang and Yang Ming*. Particle Swarm Optimization Combined with Finite Element Method for Design of Ultrasonic Motors. Sensors and Actuators A,2008,148(1) : 285-289.

  • Li Shiyang* and Yang Ming. Analysis of the Temperature Field Distribution for Piezoelectric Plate-type Ultrasonic Motor. Sensors and Actuators,2010,164 (1-2): 107–115. 

  • Shiyang Li*,Wenhua Jiang,Limei Zheng,and Wenwu Cao*,A face-shear mode single crystal ultrasonic motor,Applied Physics Letters,2013,102(18): 183512: 1-3. 

  • Li Shiyang*,Li Deyue,Yang Ming,and Wenwu Cao,Parameters Identification and Contact Analysis of Traveling Wave Ultrasonic Motor based on Measured Force and Feedback Voltage. Sensors and Actuators A ,2018,284: 201–208.

  • Xudong Qi,Enwei Sun*,Rui Zhang*,Bin Yang,Shiyang Li*,Wenwu Cao*,Effect of Mn-doping on dielectric relaxation behavior of Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3- Pb(Mg1/3 Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 ferroelectric ceramics,Ceramics International,2017,43 (18) 16819–16826.

  • Shiyang Li*,Limei Zheng,and Wenwu Cao*,Determination of full set material constants of 011c poled 0.72Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.28PbTiO3 single crystal from one sample,Applied Physics Letters,2014,105:012901. 

  • Shiyang Li*; Wenchu Ou; Ming Yang; Chao Guo; Cunyue Lu; Junhui Hu,Temperature evaluation of traveling-wave ultrasonic motor considering interaction between temperature rise and motor parameters,Ultrasonics,2015,57(3):159-166. 

  • Shiyang Li*,Limei Zheng,Jing Chen,Enwei Sun,Ming Yang,and Wenwu Cao*,Determination of full matrix material constants of 111c poled Mn doped 0.24Pb (In1/2Nb1/2)O3-0.46Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.30PbTiO3 single-domain single crystal using one sample,Journal of Applied Physics,2016,120(6): 064101. 

  • Yulei Wang,Jingya Tao,Feifei Guo*,Shiyang Li,Xingyi Huang,Jie Dong,Wenwu Cao,Magnesium Alloy Matching Layer for High Performance Transducer Application,Sensors,2018,18(12):4424.

  • Shiyang Li*,Enwei Sun,Liguo Tang,Limei Zheng,Ming Yang,Tao Han,and Wenwu Cao*,Temperature dependence of full matrix material constants of 001c poled 0.71Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.29PbTiO3 single crystal,Journal of Applied Physics,2018,123: 164102. 

  • Shiyang Li*,Zhaojiang Chen,and Wenwu Cao*,Switching 70Pb(Mg1/3 Nb2/3)O3- 0.30PbTiO3 single crystal by 3 MHz bipolar field,Applied Physics Letters,2016,108(23):232901.

  • Sihao Sun(硕士生),Shiyang Li*,Luan Lin,Yaqi Yuan,Mingrui Li,A novel signal processing method based on cross-correlation and interpolation for ToF measurement,2019 IEEE 4th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing,2019,july,19-21,Wuxi,China.

  • Shiyang Li*,Limei Zheng,Wenhua Jiang,Raffi Sahul,Venkatraman Gopalan and Wenwu Cao*. Characterization of full set material constants of piezoelectric materials based on ultrasonic method and inverse impedance spectroscopy using only one sample,Journal of Applied Physics,2013,114:104505. 

  • Rongjing Guo(硕士生),Shiyang Li*,Dawei An,Tao Han,Jing Chen,Wenwu Cao,Comprehensive analysis of Mn:PIN-PMN-PT single crystals for Class IV flextensional transducer,Ceramics International,2018,44(3):2864-2868. 

  • Xuan Sun(硕士生),Shiyang Li*,Xiangming Dun,Deyue Li,Tangan Li,Rongjing Guo,Ming Yang,A novel characterization method of piezoelectric composite material based on particle swarm optimization algorithm,Applied Mathematical Modelling,2019,66:322–331.

  • Rongjing Guo(硕士生),Shiyang Li*,Tangan Li,Xuan Sun,Luan Lin,Sihao Sun,Analysis and design of low frequency and high power flextensional transducer with double-grooves,Applied Acoustics,2019,149: 25–31.

  • Luan Lin(硕士生),Shiyang Li*,Sihao Sun,Yaqi Yuan,Ming Yang,A novel efficient model for gas compressibility factor based on GMDH network,Flow Measurement and Instrumentation,2020,71:101677.

  • YUAN Yaqi(硕士生),LI Shiyang*,ZHENG Jia,LI Mingrui,CFD Aided Investigation of Combined Flow Conditioners Used for Gas Ultrasonic Flow Meter,Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Science),2020,10

  • Jia Zheng(硕士生),Shiyang Li,*,Bin Wang ,Design of low-frequency broadband flextensional transducers based on combined particle swarm optimization and finite element method,Smart Materials and Structures,2021,08