
  • 电话:021-34207229

  • 邮箱:lihongbing@sjtu.edu.cn


  • 智能医疗机器人、智能人机交互、机器人智能感知








  • 受聘于上海市第一人民医院主持的科技部-国家重点研发计划“智能机器人专项”技术专家;
  • 上海交通大学-上海市第一人民医院-交叉学科创新人才实践培养基地-负责人;
  • 上海市第六人民医院-“人工智能麻醉与脑科学”交叉学科创新人才实践培养基地-导师;
  • IEEE 会员;
  • 上海市第六人民医院-兼职PI;
  • 上海交通大学-电院-学生创新中心-指导老师;
  • 中国医药文化协会-医工融合分会-委员;
  • 中国医药文化协会-医工融合分会-副秘书长;
  • 中国计算机学会-会员;
  • 中国仪器仪表学会-精密工程分会-会员;
  • 中国机械工程学会-会员;
  • 美国ASME会员;


  1. 国家自然基金,2016-2018,主持; 
  2. 上海市自然基金,2018-2020,主持;
  3. 上海市科学技术委员会:高新技术项目,2018-2020,主持;
  4. 上海市科学技术委员会:生物医药重点项目,2013-2016,主持; 
  5. 上海市科学技术委员会:国际合作项目,2016-2019,主持; 
  6. 教育部:高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目,2014-2016,主持; 
  7. 上海交通大学:青年教师科研启动计划项目,2013-2016,主持; 
  8. 上海交通大学:晨星学者奖励计划项目,2016-2018,主持; 
  9. 上海交通大学-香港中文大学:联合研究基金重点项目,2018-2020,主持;
  10. 上海航天技术研究院:横向课题研究项目,2016-2017,主持; 
  11. 上海航天技术研究院:横向课题研究项目,2015-2016,主持; 
  12. 上海航天技术研究院:横向课题研究项目,2018-2020,主持; 
  13. 上海航天技术研究院:横向课题研究项目,2018-2019,主持;
  14. 上海交通大学-香港中文大学:种子基金项目,2019-2021,主持;
  15. 上海市儿童医学中心:医工交叉基金项目,2018-2021,主持;
  16. 复旦大学附属中山医院:智慧医疗专项,2020-2022,主持;
  17. 复旦大学附属中山医院:智慧医疗专项,2021-2022,主持;
  18. 上海市科学技术委员会:生物医药项目,2021-2023,主持;
  19. 上海市儿童医学中心:生物医药项目,2021-2023,主持;
  20. 上海交通大学:深蓝计划基金项目,2021-2023,主持;
  21. 上海市科学技术委员会:生物医药项目,2022-2025,主持;
  22. 医工交叉研究基金-内蒙古临床转化创新专项,2022-2024,主持;


  • Hongbing Li*,K.Tadano,K. Kawashima,Achieving Force Perception in Master-Slave Manipulators Using Pneumatic Artificial Muscles,IEEE-SICE Annual Conference,Akita,Japan,2012. EI

  • Hongbing Li*,K.Tadano,K. Kawashima,On Extending Model Based Passivity Controller to Multiple Degree of Freedom Teleoperation Systems,IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (IEEE-ROBIO),Bali,Indonesia,Dec.5-10,pp.1834-1838,2014. EI

  • Hongbing Li*,K.Tadano,K. Kawashima,Experimental Validation of Stability and Performance for Position-Error-Based Tele-surgery,IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM),Busan,Korea,July 7-11,2015. EI

  • Hongbing Li*,Development of a Human-arm Like Laparoscopic Instrument,IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (IEEE-ROBIO),Qingdao,China Dec.3-7,pp.68-70,Qingdao,2016. EI

  • Hongbing Li*,K. Kawashima,K. Tadano,S. Nakano,S. Ganguly,Achieving Haptic Perception in Forceps’Manipulator Using Pneumatic Artificial Muscle,IEEE-ASME Transactions on Mechatronics,2013,18(1): 74-85. SCI/EI,IF= 3.65

  • Hongbing Li*,K. Tadano,K. Kawashima,Model-based Passive Bilateral Teleoperation with Time Delay,Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control,2014,36(8):1010-1023. SCI/EI,IF= 0.962

  • Hongbing Li*,K.Kawashima,Experimental Comparison of Backdrivability for Time-delayed Telerobotics,Control Engineering Practice,2014,28(1):90-96. SCI/EI,IF= 1.91

  • Hongbing Li*,K. Kawashima,Achieving Stable Tracking in Wave Variable Based Teleoperation,IEEE-ASME Transactions on Mechatronics,2014,19(5):1574- 1582. SCI/EI,IF= 3.65

  • Hongbing Li*,K. Kawashima,Bilateral Teleoperation with Delayed Force Feedback Using Time Domain Passivity Controller,Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing,2016,37(1):188-196. SCI/EI,IF=2.305

  • Hongbing Li*,Operator Dynamics for Stability Condition in Haptic and Teleoperation System: A Survey,Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery,14(5),pp.1-10,2018. SCI/EI

  • Hongbing Li*,Weiwen Liu,Kundong Wang,Kenji Kawashima,A Cable-Pulley Transmission Mechanism for Surgical Robot with Back-drivable Capability,Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing,Vol. 49,pp.328-334,2018. SCI/EI

  • Hongbing Li,Achieving Position Synchronization in Passive Bilateral Teleoperation,IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics,Dec.12-15,Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia,2018.

  • Hongbing Li,External Force Estimation of Impedance Type Driven Mechanism for Surgical Robot with Kalman Filter,IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics,Dec.12-15,Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia,2018.

  • H. Li*, X.Nie, E.Magid, and D.Gui, Force Sensations of Delayed Telerobotic System with Kalman Filter, in proceedings IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Dec.27-31, Sanya, China, 2021, pp. 112-117.

  • Y.Li, J.Zhang, D.Gui, H. Li*, Enhanced Epidural Tissue Perception for Pediatric Patients by An Interactive Lumbar Puncture Simulator, in proceedings IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Dec.27-31, Sanya, China, 2021, pp. 1767-1772.

  • H.Li*, X.Nie, D.Duan, Y.Li, E.Magid, An Admittance-Controlled Amplified Force Tracking Scheme for Collaborative Lumbar Puncture Surgical Robot System, International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 2022.

  • Y.Wang, H.Li*, Penetration detection with intention recognition for cooperatively controlled robotic needle insertion, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, vol.44, no.10, pp.1979-1992, 2022.

  • H.Li*, Y.Wang, Y.Li, J.Zhang, A novel manipulator with needle insertion forces feedback for robot-assisted lumbar puncture, International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, vol.17, no.2, pp.1-11, 2021.