
  • 电话:021-34207482

  • 邮箱:pan_cc@sjtu.edu.cn


  • 空间大数据分析,工业系统建模优化,智能优化算法


  • 2009.7-2011.11 上海交通大学  博士后
  • 2010.8-2011.6   新竹清华大学 访问学者
  • 2012.1-2013.12 上海交通大学 助理研究员
  • 2014.1-        上海交通大学 副研究员
  • 2015.10-2016.1  麻省理工学院MIT 访问学者


  • 2004.9-2009.6  上海交通大学  博士学位


  • 上海市科技进步二等奖2013


  • 学术SCI/EI论文30余篇,软著专利10余个,其中授权专利5个; 完成工业应用系统3套


  1. 科技部重点研发计划2020-2022          课题负责人
  2. 科技部重点研发计划 2019-2023         子课题负责人
  3. 上海市科委产学研合作项目 2014-2015   课题负责人
  4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金2012-2015    课题负责人
  5. 其他企业委托项目10余项(韩国三星电子、中冶宝钢集团,顺丰速递等)
  6. 参与国家重大专项2项(2014-2017)。


  • Wenzeng Du,Genke Yang,Changchun Pan et.al. ASliding-Mode-Based Duty Ratio Controller for Multiple Parallelly Connected DC–DC Converters with Constant Power Loads on MVDC Shipboard Power Systems. Energies 2020,13,3888. (SCI)

  • Qing-Song Gong,Gen-Ke Yang,Chang-Chun Pan,and Moon-Sang Lee. Stability and Control Performance Analysis of Double EWMA Controller With Metrology Delay. IEEE Transaction on Semiconductor Manufacturing,29(1):9-16,2016;(SCI)

  • Qingsong Gong,Genke Yang,Changchun Pan,Yuwang Chen,and Moonsang Lee. Performance Analysis of Double EWMA Controller Under Dynamic Models With Drift. IEEE Trans on Components,Packing and Manufacturing Technology,Vol 7,No.5,2017.(SCI)

  • Yue Chen,Yu-Wang Chen ,Xiao-Bin Xu,Chang-Chun Pan,Jian-Bo Yang,Gen-Ke Yang... Identification of uncertain nonlinear systems: Constructing belief rule-based models. Knowledge-Based Systems. 73 (2015) 124–133(SCI )

  • Chen Yuwang,Lu Yongzai,Ge Ming,Yang Gen-Ke,Pan Chang-Chun. Development of hybrid evoutionary algorithms for production scheduling of hot strip mill. Computers & Operations Research. 2012,39(2): 339-349 (SCI&EI)

  • Bai Jie,Yang Gen-ke,Chen Yu-Wang,Hu Li-Sheng,Pan Chang-Chun. A model induced max-min ant colony optimization for asymmetric traveling salesman problem,Appl. Soft Comput. 2013,13:1365-1375,(SCI)

  • Pan Chang-Chun,Yang Gen-Ke. A method of solving a large-scale rolling batch scheduling problem in steel production using a variant of column generation. Computer & Industrial Engineering,2009,56:165-178. (SCI&EI)

  • Pan Chang-Chun,Sun Cheng-I.,Jang Shi-Shang,Wong David Shan-Hill,Yang Gen-Ke. A MIMO R2R control using data-driven gain scheduling. Control Engineering Practice 2011,19:1344-1353,(SCI&EI )

  • Pan Chang-Chun,Bai Jie,Yang Gen-Ke,Wong David Shan-Hill,Jang Shi-Shang. An inferential modeling method using enumerative PLS based nonnegative garrote regression. Journal of Process Control,2012,22:1637-1646 (SCI&EI)