- 电磁探测与传感:电磁探测与成像,微弱磁场、电场测量。无损检测:涡流检测,漏磁检测,超声/电磁超声。微弱信号检测:微弱信号检测理论、低噪声设计、微弱信号传感
- 2001-2005 上海交通大学 博士 仪器科技与技术专业
- 2005- 上海交通大学 教师 电子信息与电气工程学院
- 其中 2012.01-2012.07 英国 Newcastle University 访问学者
- 2014.08-2015.08 江苏常熟高新区科技局 副局长(挂职)
Huaming Lei,Kan Wang,Xiaojun Ji,Daxiang Cui. Contactless measurement of magnetic nanoparticles on lateral flow strips using TMR sensors in differential configuration. sensors. Vol.16. No.12. pp.2130(1-11). 2016.12. (SCI)
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Hua-ming Lei*,Run-hua Liang,Wei Tao,Yi-mei Mao,Hui Zhao. Broken Wires Inspection for Coated Steel Belts in Elevator System Using MFL Method. FENDT’2014,IEEE Conference,2014.
Huaming Lei*,Zuoying Huang,Wei Liang,Yimei Mao,Peiwen Que. Ultrasonic pig for submarine oil pipeline corrosion inspection. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing,Vol.45,No.4. pp.285-291,2009. (SCI)
Huaming Lei*,Guiyun Tian,Hui Zhao,Yimei Mao,Zuoying Huang. Health monitoring for coated steel belts in an elevator system. Journal of Sensors. Vol.2012,No.5,2012. (SCI)
Hua-Ming Lei*,Yi-Mei Mao. Fatigue testing and evaluation for coated steel belts based on electrical method. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. Vol.49.No.10,pp.602-609,2013. (SCI).
Hua-Ming Lei*,Gui-Yun Tian. Broken wire detection in coated steel belts using the magnetic flux leakage method. Insight,Vol.55,No.3. pp.126-131,2013. (SCI)