
  • 电话:021-34204624

  • 邮箱:gqding@sjtu.edu.cn


  • 智能仪器和智能在线装备


  • 1991-04至今 上海交通大学,仪器科学与工程系


  • 2005-02至2011-06,上海交通大学,仪器科学与工程系,博士
  • 1988-09至1991-02,上海交通大学,精密仪器系,硕士
  • 1984-09至1988-07,上海交通大学,精密仪器系


  • 汽车零部件伺服压装关键技术与控制臂成套工艺装备, 中国汽车工程学会,科学技术进步奖,二等奖, 2019
  • 特殊环境下先进机器人检测装备及其应用, 教育部,技术发明奖, 一等奖,2011
  • 多参数检测微系统及其应用, 上海市人民政府, 技术发明奖, 二等奖,2009
  • 胃肠道多元医学信息无创诊查系统,教育部,技术发明奖,二等奖,2006



  1. 一种光学快门式非调制红外测温系统及方法,授权号:ZL 2019 11282713.0
  2. 一种利用透明二维栅格板对工作台进行自校准的方法,授权号:201811222420.9.
  3.  用于预测根管长度的方法及数据采集系统,授权号:201811221734.7.
  4.  基于伺服电动缸大负载高速度精密运动控制的试验机,授权号:201710435856.5.
  5. 一种基于FPGA实现伺服转角简谐运动的系统以及方法,授权号:201710470519.X.
  6. 一种基于FPGA实现伺服转角叠加简谐运动的方法,授权号:ZL 2017 10453795.5
  7. 光路切换装置及集成多个测头的微纳米测量系统,授权号:201510236070.1.


  1. 企业委托,基于显微结构的纺织智能化研究,2020-07至2028年12月,1050万元,进行中
  2. 科技部,国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项,2014YQ090709,跨尺度微纳米测量仪的开发与应用,2014-10至2018-09,400万元,结题,参与
  3. 企业委托开发项目,压装装备和监控软件系统开发,2014-12至2017-12,350万元,结题,主持
  4. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,31170968,面向胃肠道疾病诊疗的微型机器人与胃肠道内环境的相容性研究,2012-01至2015-12,60万元,结题,参与
  5. 国防科工局,基础科研重大项目,C0420110005,XXX智能设计专家系统,2011-01至2014-12,150万元,结题,参与
  6. 上海市科学技术委员会,重点项目,09DZ1907400,胃肠道多元医学信息无创诊查专用芯片研发,2009-10至2012-12,490万元,结题,参与
  7. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,30570485,胃肠道动力和生理参数无创检测技术及胃肠功能数字化研究,2006-01至2008-12,27万元,结题,参与
  8. 科技部,863计划项目,2002AA422110,油、气管道机器人实时探测系统关键技术及其实用化研究,2002-09至2003-08,50万元,结题,主持


  • Guoqing Ding,Xin Chen,Lihua Wang,Lihua Lei and Yuan Li: Self-calibration method of two-dimensional grid plate. Proc. SPIE 8321,83210Y (2011); doi:10.1117/12.903923

  • Shaowei Liu,Wu Liu,Guoqing Ding*,Xin Chen: A Measuring Method ofFlexible Bar based on Machine Vision. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 220-223 (2012) pp 1373-1376

  • Guoqing Ding,Xin Chen,Hong Wang,Lihua Lei and Yuan Li: Quantitative Analysis of Lateral Setting Error in Two-point Method. Advanced Materials Research,Vols. 690-693,pp 3235-3239,2013

  • Wu Liu,Guoqing Ding* and Xin Chen: Research on Digital Filter Design for Orthogonal Decomposition Algorithm Applied in Coriolis Flow Meters,Applied Mechanics and Materials,161-166,2014,Sensors,Measurement and Intelligent Materials II

  • Cong Tan,Guoqing Ding*: The Research on Algorithm in Judging the Trend of the Motion of Press-Fit CurveC. AICS2016

  • Cong Tan,Guoqing Ding*: The research on algorithm in searching the critical point of press-fit curveC. ICMCA2016

  • Yi Wu; Guoqing Ding*,Research on Signal Processing of Shock-Absorber Test Bench Based on Zero-phase FilterC. SPIE Proceedings of AOPC2017 Symposium,Volume 10458. 2017doi: 10.1117/12.2284273

  • Ting Liu,Guo-qing Ding*,Finite element analysis of laser-generated surface acoustic wave for spinal cord tension measurement. 5th Annual 2017 International Conference on Mechanics and MechatronicsC. Xiamen,China,15th-17th December,2017

  • MA Chen-xi,DING Guo-qing*,The analysis and compensation of the error of precise simple harmonic motion control under high speed high frequency and large load conditions based on servo electric cylinderC. SPIE Proceedings of AOPC2017,Volume 10458 1w,2017doi: 10.1117/12.2285849

  • Bin Zheng,Guoqing Ding*: Colorimetric Temperature Measurement Method Considering Influence of Ambient TemperatureC. GCMM 2016,DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201710005010

  • 丁国清,陈欣;智能仪器设计,机械工业出版社,320千字,2014

  • Junjie Wu,Guoqing Ding,Xin Chen*,Tao Han,Xiaoyu Cai,Lihua Lei,Jiasi Wei; Nano step height measurement using an optical method,Sensors and Actuators,A: Physical,2017,257: 92-97.

  • Xiaoyue Qiao*,Xin Chen,Guoqing Ding,Jielin Sun,Jiasi Wei,Xiaoyu Cai; 3D Self-calibration Based on Least Squares,The 8th International Conference of Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN 2019),Matsue,Japan,From 2019-11-12 to 2019-11-15. 

  • Xiaoyue Qiao,Xin Chen*,Peter Ekberg,Guoqing Ding,Xiaoyu Cai,Jiasi Wei, Junjie Wu; Self-calibration for the 2D stage based on weighted least squares,Measurement Science and Technology,2019,30(12): 125015.

  • Xu,Dasen; Ding,Guoqing*,Intelligent dynamic weighing method based on transient overshoot response,the 14th International Symposium on Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments (ISMTII 2019)