
  • 电话:021-34666239


  • 先进光学传感技术、高温超导应用与检测、电力设备在线监测技术


  • 2020年至今 上海交通大学 电子信息与电气工程学院 助理研究员


  • 2020年 上海交通大学 电气工程 工学博士
  • 2015年 上海大学 光学 理学硕士
  • 2012年 上海大学 电子信息科学与技术 工学学士


  • 入选2021年上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划


  • SCI/EI论文:22篇 , 发明专利:8项


  • IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity期刊审稿人


  1. 面向紧凑型托卡马克装置的内封光纤高温超导CORC缆线失超特性研究(主持),上海市科委,21YF1419300;
  2. 超导直流限流器的关键技术研究(参与),国家重点研发计划,2017YFB0902300。


  • J.J. Jiang,Z. M. Jin,G. B. Song,L. Xian,and G. H. Ma,Dynamical spin reorientation transition in NdFeO3 single crystal observed with polarized terahertz time domain spectroscopy,Appl. Phys. Lett. 103,062403 (2013).

  • J. J. Jiang,G. B. Song,D. Y. Wang,Z. M. Jin,Z. Tian,X. Lin,J. G. Han,G. H. Ma,S. X. Cao and Z. X. Cheng,Magnetic-field dependence of strongly anisotropic spin reorientation transition in NdFeO3: a terahertz study,J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 28,116002 (2016).

  • Jiang J,Zhao Y,Hong Z,Zhang J,Li Z,Hu D,Qiu D,Zhao A,Ryu K,Jin Z. Experimental Study on Quench Detection of a No-Insulation HTS Coil Based on Raman-Scattering Technology in Optical Fiber J. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity,2018,28(3): 4702105.

  • Jiang J,Zhong L,Duan X,Song M,Li L,Wu Z,Li Z,Huang Z,Hong Z,Jin Z,Yao L. Bend Limitation of a Polyimide-Coated Optical Fiber at Cryogenic Temperature of 77 K J. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity,2019,29(2): 8400305.

  • Jiang J,Wu Z,Liu B,Sheng J,Wang L,Li Z,Jin Z,Hong Z. Thermal Stability Study of a Solder-Impregnated No-Insulation HTS Coil Via a Raman-Based Distributed Optical Fiber Sensor System J. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity,2019,29(2): 9000604.

  • Jiang J,Sheng J,Wu Q,Li Z,Zhong L,Song M,Hong Z,Jin Z. Spatial and Temporal Resolution Optimization on Raman Distributed Temperature Sensor System for Quench Detection in a No-Insulated Coil J. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity,2019,29(5): 9001105.

  • Jiang J,Wu,Z,Sheng J,Zhang J,Song M,Ryu K,Li Z,Hong Z,Jin Z,A New Approach to Measure Magnetic Field of High-Temperature Superconducting Coil Based on Magneto-Optical Faraday Effect J,IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity,2021,31(1): 9000105.

  • Jiang J,Jin Z,Li Z,Hong Z,Song M,Duan X,Quench recovery time of an optical fiber encapsulated resistance-type DC superconducting fault current limiter coil determined by a Raman-based distributed temperature sensing system J,Superconductor Science and Technology,2021,34,085014.